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Tricone bit rapid development process

      To carry out the first in the history of rock bit bent to carry out the process has , from the beginning of the period of rotation of the tricone biting carried out until now dual spin Dayton tricone bit . Development pace never seen tricone bit aborted before then carried throughout the entire history of rock bit , we can see that there are two noteworthy rules , then we will follow Knight can come to know about the three-cone tricone bit teeth round two tricone bit regularity .
      The first rule, highly adaptable. Function of each component of the tricone bits must match each other to be able to reach the highest production role. Contact between the whole and the various parts of the tritricone bit is very tight , and the various parts of the damaged tricone bit bit will cause failure of the whole , therefore, to maintain good function and various parts of the system is vital step . Even with a bit different and have carried out step by step, not anxious. To really think about the whole relationship commodity parts, not because of imbalances in individual parts all work on the role of the formation of impact .
      The second rule is different. The earliest tricone bit devices can only be used alone, or used rotary tricone biting, or by hitting the Hard Rock Dayton tricone biting method, then we continue to break down and know the tricone bit can spin Dayton dual output through continuous seminar trial, at the end of the shift invented tricone bit. Followed by a high-speed jet stream bottom cushion to eradicate the dangers of alternative causes damage due to fatigue failure of the touch of sliding bearings with rolling bearings . On the road tricone bits, no matter what the difficulties encountered, the scientists will use a different method to study, get rid of any problems , relying on this innovation and the entrepreneurial energy industry has been making the tricone bit changing carried out .